How to Use HData Alerts
Alerts Overview
HData alerts allow you to proactively monitor when companies or topics that you care about newly appear in docket or report catalogs. Setting up custom alerts on individual companies and keywords will produce in-platform notifications and/or email notifications when files with matching content are found.
For example, if you wish to be notified when the term “vegetation management” appears in a file that also mentions "San Diego Gas & Electric Company" in either the California PUC or California Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety catalogs, you can customize an alert for this information. You'll be able to begin receiving alerts for new files that match your criteria as soon as you create your alert.
Creating Alerts
There are three ways to create alerts:
Alert Manager
The Alert Manager is the simplest way to get started with alerts, and allows you to configure alerts for specific keyword criteria across many catalogs.
Alerts for Custom Search Criteria
When you perform a search in the HData Library using keywords and/or filters, you also have the option to save this search as an alert. This serves as a shortcut to create alerts for information that you are already searching for in the Library. This option is best for tailored searches and alerts in one specific catalog.
Alerts for a Specific Docket
Docket alerts notify you when new files are added to a specific docket. This option is best for monitoring all updates to a docket.
Alert Manager
To access the Alert Manager, open the Toolbox from the HData home screen navigation menu.
Under My Tools, select Alert Manager. This is where you will create new alerts, and where you'll view your list of active alerts after you've set them up. To set up a new alert, select Create New Alert in the upper right corner of your view.
This will open up the alert configuration window. You will then have the option to enter the Alert Criteria and Data Sources for which you wish to receive alerts.
Alert Criteria can be entered as a keyword or phrase. The Advanced Criteria option allows you to further refine alert criteria and/or enter additional keywords using the following options:
All of these exact words and/or phrases
This option is known as exact match and will only trigger alerts with keywords that match exactly what you enter. For entries that contain multiple words, everything you enter must appear in the order entered to return a search result. Variations of any term entered will not be returned in the search results.
Any of these words and/or phrases
An alert will be triggered when the presence of at least one of the words or phrases you enter is present, but not all terms have to be present for a search result to match.
None of these words and/or phrases
This option allows you to exclude specific words or phrases. Files and associated file metadata with the terms entered will be excluded from the search results.
Note that when you enter a company name, an alert will be triggered when that company name, as you entered it, is mentioned. For a document to match your criteria, it does not have to be filed by the company you enter.
Your alert is ready to save once you:
- Name the alert
- Enter the Alert Criteria
- Select the Data Source to monitor
- Select whether or not you'd like to receive email notifications
Once these are complete, click Create Alert.
Editing and Testing Alerts in the Alert Manager
You can return to the Alert Manager at any time to edit, delete, or test your alerts. Simply click an alert from the list for the option to:
- Send a test email to verify alerts are received to your inbox
- Delete an alert
- Modify an alert's settings and save your changes
Alerts for Custom Search Criteria
When you perform a search in any HData catalog, you can automatically use search criteria to set up an alert. For example, let's look at a search for files:
- In the Texas PUC Dockets Catalog
- Where the filter for filing type is Registration
- And using Advanced Search keywords, the files must contain the term "wind generation" or "solar generation"
View the search results in the Files view in the catalog. Select "Create an alert with this search" to save an alert for this search criteria.
You can then name your alert and save it. An alert will be triggered any time a new file is added to the catalog that meets your keyword search and filter criteria.
Alerts for a Specific Docket
When viewing a docket and all files within that docket, you have the option to set up an alert for any new files added to the docket. Click the "Create an alert with this docket" button to configure an alert.
You can then name your alert and save it. You will see the specific docket number under Filters. An alert will be triggered any time a new file is added to the docket.
To further refine which files trigger an alert within a specific docket, enter additional search criteria before creating your alert. For example, a filter for "Filing Type: Brief" and keywords "Sierra Club" and "National Resources Defense Council" will limit your alerts to Briefs that mention either of these two parties.
To modify this alert, view it in the Alert Manager from the Toolbox. Select View Historic Matches for this alert. This will allow you to modify the search and filter criteria in the docket, and then save a new, modified alert.
Viewing Alert Notifications: Inbox
The Inbox is where you can view all notifications for the alerts you’ve created. Access the Inbox in the upper right navigation of the HData platform.
Clicking on an alert from this list provides a description of the alert and a link to the document that matches the alert criteria. From here, you will be able to click directly into the document in the HData Library.
Need Additional Support?
If you have additional questions about the Alert Manager and need help, please reach out to us at